Birds Land

Flicker male chicks awaiting food

Flicker feeding chicks

Winter Wren on rock

Tree Swallow in flight pose

Bluebird taking off

Cow bird chick being fed by Wilson warbler

Willow Flycatcher 2

Palm Warbler

Nesting in rocks

Common Nighthawk

Acorn Woodpecker catching a fly

Flicker chicks 3 awaiting food

Sedge Wren calling

Tree Swallow in flight

Barn Swallow being fed

Violet-green Swallow female

Horned Lark in grass

Acorn Woodpecker in flight.

Hermit Thrush on bramble

Song Sparrow singing dark background

Wild Turkey

Lapland Longspur.

Barn Swallow chicks waiting to be fed

Leucistic Phoebe in flight

Marsh Wren (2)

Bewicks Wren

Nashville Warbler in Cherry blossom. This made it to the front cover of the Audubon 2025 calendar.

Flicker chicks in gate post

Cliff Swallow having a drink

Leucistic Phoebe

Rock Wren - Emigrant Lake

Savannah Sparrow on Dune Tansy

Flicker chicks

Pacific Wren on yound conifer

European sparrows in cherry tree

Turkey Vultures

Savanah Sparrow in flight.

Savannah Sparrow on Dune Tansy

Song Sparrow eating blackberry

Tree Swallow in flight landscape

Gold-crowned Sparrow

Yellow-rumped Warbler

Meadow Lark singing

White-crowned Sparrow - in flight

Tree swallow

White-crowned Sparrow calling in grass

American Robin taking off.

Allen's-Rufous Hummingbird in flight.

Pacific Wren

Warbling Vireo

Sedge Wren calling

Wren-tit in bush

Bluebird on Battlerock beach

Fox Sparrow (2)

Hermit Trush on mossy step

Black Pheobe

Wrentit with berry

Chestnut-backed Chickadee on pine tree

Sedge Wren doing splits

Violet-green Swallow checking chicks

Northern Parula singing

Evening Grosbeak

Rufous hummingbird hybrid feeding young

Savannah Sparrow on lupin

Starling with berry

Chestnut-backed Chickadee in rain-2

Chestnut-backed Chickadee on lichen

Waxwings flock in tree-2